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Going Back To School - Hell Edition

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Hello guys, gals and non-binary pals! (Thomas Sanders, you know.) Now that school is only three days away, I won't be posting as much. Like, once a week? Is that enough for you? But, I am going to an all-girls school, and being openly raging bisexual is not good at all for that.

Speaking of sexuality, why is it pans and bis are not getting the love they deserve? We like guys and girls, and pans can like anyone, but if we fall in love with someone of the opposite gender, it's called 'attention-seeking straight'. The hell? We are LGBTQ+ - it is even in the fucking name!

Sorry, off on a rant here. But, I am a very dedicated writer, fanfiction-reader and a wholly functioning fangirl. So, I'm hoping that I can find some fellow fangirls and fanboys at this school. Once we get enough, we'll start our own club. Then, we'll take over... THE WORLD!!!!

Signing off,
Anonymous Bisexual
